Saturday, April 16, 2011

Nashville Tournament? (UPDATED AGAIN)

My sources tell me that there's a polo tournament brewing in Nashville. Details are scant, but they're slowly being posted on their blog. The only thing I can say for sure is that it's limited zip codes, will probably happen some time in May, and it's the precursor to a Tennessee Tournament in the fall.

My hunch is that this'll be just for Murfreesboro and Nashville, but we can still hope.

(X-posted to the Memphis Polo Blog.)

UPDATE: Just as I suspected, you have to live between Dickson and Murfreesboro to participate in this one. Suuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

UPDATE ON DA UPDATE: The blog for the tournament has disappeared, as has the link to it from the Nashville Bike Polo blog. Either it's off, rescheduled, or I pissed off one too many people by suggesting that they change their rules to the official NAH rules.


  1. There are only 3 teams so far. I hope they open it up so the winner can get more MONEY when they win. 4 players per team? What's that about Mr. Club rep.?

  2. maybe we should host a West TN tournament, hahaha

  3. We should try to play pick-up with these guys or something since they are close-ish. I still want to go to Little Rock on the 3rd weekend in May.

  4. It's back up Club Rep. set something up so we can go visit Chase.
